Frequently asked questions

  • Are all the Craig Hobson Aesthetic Treatments non invasive?

    Yes, at Craig Hobson Aesthetics our treatments offered are non-invasive.

    The focus of the clinic is on providing non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures to help clients achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

    These non-invasive treatments often involve the use of injectables, dermal fillers, skin boosters, and other advanced techniques that do not require surgical incisions or significant downtime.

  • Where is Craig Hobson Aesthetic Clinic?

    We have moved premises to 16 Sandy Park Road, Bristol BS4 3PE

  • Do I need an appointment for a treatment?

    Yes you need to book a consultation or treatment through the booking platform here 

  • How long do anti-wrinkle injections last?

    Botox typically lasts between 3 to 6 months, depending on individual factors and the treated area. The effects gradually wear off as the neurotoxin's effects on the targeted muscles diminish over time.

    Here at Craig Hobson Aesthetics, you will need to book a consultation to determine the expected duration of Botox's effectiveness for your specific treatment.

  • Are anti-wrinkle injections safe?

    At Craig Hobson Aesthetics Ltd in Bristol, we prioritise the safety and well-being of our clients.

    Our anti-wrinkle injections are a safe and effective non-invasive cosmetic procedure to help address facial lines and wrinkles. Administered by qualified professionals at our aesthetic clinic, our anti-wrinkle treatments are carefully tailored to deliver natural-looking results.

  • Will my face look frozen if I get anti-wrinkle injections?

    At Craig Hobson Aesthetics Ltd, we understand the importance of achieving natural-looking results with Botox treatments. Unfortunately, some individuals may have experienced an excessive amount of Botox due to over-treatment or poor administration by untrained professionals, leading to an unnatural appearance.

    To ensure that you achieve the best and safest outcome, we recommend being treated by an experienced medical professional. Craig Hobson, is fully trained in administering Botox and is also an independent prescriber. he takes the time to accurately assess your facial structure and determine the appropriate amount of Botox needed, if any, to deliver the most natural results for your face.

  • When will I see effects of anti-wrinkle injections?

    The full effects of the treatment may become visible within approximately two weeks, though some individuals may experience results sooner.

    For most people, re-treatment is typically recommended every three months, but the frequency can vary from person to person, ranging from two to five months on average.

  • How long do fillers last?

    The duration of fillers varies depending on the type of filler used and individual factors. Generally, hyaluronic acid fillers last between 6 to 18 months, while collagen-based fillers may last around 3 to 6 months. The longevity of fillers can be influenced by factors like the treated area, metabolism, and lifestyle choices.

  • Why can't I have anti wrinkle injections on the same day as the consultation?

    The treatment for anti wrinkle injections is a prescription item which will be prescribed in your name. As we do not hold stock, we will need to assess your suitability and write a prescription for you. This means you will need to come back for your treatment. We can usually get your prescription in clinic within 48 hours.

Do you have a specific question, fill out the below form and we will get back to you on our answer:
Book through our online platform
If you're unsure what skin or aesthetics treatment to go for, please book in for a consultation to ensure you're selecting the best treatment for your skin.

Additionally, if you are a new client, we suggest booking a new consultation so we can discuss your requirements and make sure you pick the treatment that's right for you.

Moreover, for anti-wrinkle treatments, we will need to do an initial assessment and prescription before bringing you back for treatment, as this is a legal requirement.

Furthermore, a booking fee is taken for consultations and will be deducted from any treatments booked. For Treatment and Observ 520x bookings, a 25% deposit is required, which is non-refundable.

In conclusion, all consultations are priced at £20, and this amount is redeemable from your treatment price.
booking system

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